False Ambassador


False Ambassador is a circular journey through a world just emerging from the Middle Ages, forced by war and discovery into new ways of living and thinking.
Towards the end of the Hundred Years' War, Thomas Deerham, a young Englishman, sets off to fight in France, hoping to make his fortune. He is inspired by his father's talk of kings and emperors and treasure. But the war has turned against the English, and before long Thomas has deserted and joined a band of brigands. He is persecuted by a fool, gets his magical revenge, then learns the secrets of love. Escaping from the brigands, he is recruited as a guide and translator by Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini, a papal diplomat with a secret mission to England. During a hazardous journey, Thomas is dazzled by Aeneas's learning, imbibes the spirit of humanism, and determines to continue his education. However, Thomas's return to his family results in murder, and his imprisonment.
Intending to redeem himself, Thomas joins a ship bound for the Holy Land. The pilgrimage turns into a squalid ordeal, and the ship, abandoned by its pilot, sinks off the coast of Greece. Thomas is recruited to fight the Turks in the Morea, where he meets Plethon, a neo-Platonist philosopher. As the Turks advance, and the Greeks squabble, Plethon reveals his mystical scheme for reviving the greatness of the Hellenes. Enslaved by the Turks, and encouraged to turn Moslem, Thomas has the opportunity to consider faith and salvation. When conversion is pressed upon him he escapes, and joins a band of false ambassadors led by a scheming friar. In Rome, Thomas has a surprising encounter with the pope, who seems to offer him the chance of redemption.

ISBN 1 903517 00 1
Published by Dedalus £8.99